Frontenac FK-2AT - Clip for standard metal shelf

30,00 $

A modular storage system par excellence, the Frontenac is a real fortress for your bottles.

Composed of aluminium, its sturdiness matches the elegance of its clean lines. It allows impressive arrangement possibilities as well as great flexibility in the presentation of the bottles. Ideal for the pantry or glass-enclosed wine cellar, its configurations are suitable for both small spaces and large layouts.

FK-2AT: Dimensions: 1×1.25×3

The standard shelf clip is used to secure standard shelves FTS , FTD , FTT , FTIC And FTP

When configuring a one-sided shelf, you will need as many FK-2ATs as shelves.

If your module has a two-sided shelving configuration, you will need one FK-2AT per row of shelves (for 2 shelves)