Colored pigments for epoxy - Colorapoxy

16,95 $CAD

COLORAPOXY is a range of dyes for epoxy. Micronized, they are held in suspension in an epoxy resin. Specially formulated for our RESINOPOXY and our CRYSTALOPOXY, the colors of COLORAPOXY can be mixed with each other and thus allow you to create a multitude of colors. With a solids content of 100%, COLORAPOXY contains no solvents and releases no VOCs.

  • Concentrated pigmentations;
  • Creates opaque and semi-opaque colors;
  • VOC-free;
  • Solvent-free;
  • Easy to mix;
  • Scentless ;
  • The colors mix together.

Preparation :

It is very important to mix the product well before pouring it into the resin to ensure color uniformity.

Blend :

Add COLORAPOXY to the resin (part A). The proportions should not exceed 10% for a solid color. For translucent colors, you have to experiment. Add colorant in very small amounts until desired opacity is achieved.

After thoroughly mixing COLORAPOXY into the resin, follow the ratios included with your epoxy for mixing with the hardener (part B). E.g.: 2A:1B

IMPORTANT: You will need to subtract the amount of Part A that you replaced with the colorant.

COLORAPOXY is compatible with RESINOPOXY+ and CRYSTALOPOXY as well as with most epoxies. If you are using another brand of epoxy, you will need to test first.



Tool cleaning:

Excess liquid from Parts A and B must be mixed to allow curing and disposal in accordance with applicable state and federal regulations. Any uncured liquid can be cleaned with citrus solvent or denatured alcohol following the manufacturer's instructions.

Lifetime :

The shelf life of COLORAPOXY is 10 to 12 months in its original container.

Warehousing and logistics:


ATTENTION : If the product appears gelatinous, it has been cold. Please place the containers in hot water for about 1 hour; it will return to its original state. The product will not lose any property. Store container away from UV rays.