Citrus All-Purpose Cleaner Richelieu

SKU: D010985
11,92 $


- For washable painted surfaces. Window frames, Venetian blinds, porcelain surfaces and tiles.

This product, based on citrus solvents, eliminates fingerprints on walls and doors. Shoe marks on floors, halos in bathtubs, dirt, grease, fumes, oils, carbon dust, lipstick marks and pencil marks. Deodorizes while cleaning.

SHAKE WELL BEFORE USING. Remove the outer cover. Hold the can upright. Point the opening of the sprayer head towards the surface to be cleaned. Squeeze spray head and spray a small area until wet. Leave to act for a few seconds. Wipe with a clean, dry cloth. Optional rinse. IMPORTANT: When using on plastic seat covers, leather or plastic tiles, RINSE with a clean, damp cloth.
